Overall, the South Road is still the easiest route. There are many pot holes and one long road construction detour between Zaragoza and the Las Barrancas turn-off. Otherwise, the pavement is relatively good. Drive slowly, cattle and horses graze along side the highway and are moving in the early morning and evening. It’s the young calves that may panic and run in front of your vehicle.
Recently, the more frequent and extremely high King Tides have flooded the Salt Flats rendering them unusable during and several days after the high tides. Check your tide chart and if in doubt, ask at Rice and Beans or La Fridera Fish Camp. When avoiding the Salt Flats, people are driving the middle road that is graded and washboard. The North Road saves 2 to 4 hours compared to the South Road.
43 Miles of dirt and washboard, Rosarito (80 Km north of Loreto on Highway 1) to San Isidro / La Purisima. Reports of the road conditions range widely from fair to poor. Best follow the pavement west of La Purisima and go south to the Las Barrancas turn-off and drive the 35 miles from there into San Juanico. If you still have an appetite for la brecha, turn right off the pavement just beyond La Purisima, cross the arroyo and climb the steep twisting road up the cliffside and drive 16 miles of dirt until you meet the last 8 miles of pavement into San Juanico. The dirt road from Mulejé is not recommended for highway travelors.